Groundwater Remediation
- Passive and Active Oil Skimmer Systems
- "Ferret" Oil Skimming Phase Separator Pump
- "AP AutoPump" - Pump for LNAPL and DNAPL recovery
- "Eliminator" - Pump for LNAPL and DNAPL recovery
- "Pulse Pump" - Pump for LNAPL and DNAPL Recovery
- "Auto Tracker" Floating Inlet for Dual Phase Extraction Systems and Bio-Slurping Systems
- Column Stripper
- Tray Stripper
- "Waterloo Gas Emitter" for enhanced aerob or anaerob bioremediation of contaminated groundwater
Groundwater Sampling
- Ø42
mm 12 V Mini Pumps
- 12V
Peristaltic Pump
- WaTerra Inertial Pumps
- SL-10 Inertial Pump
- Grundfos
MP1 Pump
- Gasoline-Engine Centrifugal Water-Pump - Light Weight, Portable
- Bailers
- Water Level Meters / Dipmeters
- Oil / Water Interface Level Meters
- Electric Condoctivity and Temperature Loggers
- Water Level Dataloggers
- Electric Conductivity, Water Level and Temperature Dataloggers
- Dissolved Oxygen, Water Level and Temperature Dataloggers
- Field Portable Multiparameter Water Quality Measuring Instruments (pH, Conductivity, Temperature, ORP, DO, etc.)
Surface Weter Sampling and Measurement
- Impeller Flow Meters
- Plankton
Sludge and Sediment Sampling
Soil Sampling, Geotechnical Testing
- Soil Hand Augers
- Accessories: Liners / Retaining Cylinders, Core Catchers, Caps
- Cobra mk1 Percussion Drilling Hammer Set
- Penetrometers
- Hand Penetrometer Set to a depth of 1-3 m
- Hand Penetrometer Set for Surface Layers to a depth of 10 cm, IB type
- Pocket Penetrometer Set for Surface Layers to a depth of 0.5 cm
- Penetrologger with GPS to a depth of 80 cm
- Dynamic Cone Penetrometers
- Light Weight Dynamic Probe - DPL
- Medium Weight Dynamic Probe - DPM
- Heavy Weight Dynamic Probe - DPH
- Super Heavy Weight Dynamic Probe - DPSH
- Multipurpose Statitc and Dynamic Penetrometers
and Sounding / Drilling Rigs
Soil Vapour, Soil Gas Sampling
- Soil Gas and Vapour Sampling Systems
Soil Water, Soil Moisture
- Soil Water/Moisture Sampling Systems
- Tensiometers
- Lysimeters
- Hydro-lysimeter
- Meteo-lysimeter
- Field Scientific Lysimeter
- Agro-lysimeter
Field Test Kits
- TPH in Soil Field Test Kit - I.
- TPH in Soil Field Test Kit - II.
- Field Test Kits for PCB/Organic Chlorine Contamination
- PCB/Organic Chlorine in Dielectric Fluid (Transformer Oil)
- PCB/Organic Chlorine Contamination in Soil
- PCB/Organic Chlorine Contamination in Surface Samples
- PCB/Chloride ANALYZER - Quantitative Test for PCB/Chlorinated Organics In:
- Dielectric Fluid (Transformer Oil)
- Soil
- Water
- Surface Samples
- Quantitative Test for Water in:
- Oil (% Range or ppm Range)
- Soil
- Field Portable X-Ray Fluorescent Spectrometer for measuring Heavy Metals in Soil and Waste
Waste Water
- Kemmerer
and Friedinger samplers
Meteorological Instruments
- Rain Gauge
- Solar Radiation
- Wind Speed and Direction
- Relative Humidity and Temperature
- Complete Meteo-Stations
- Digital Invertor Power Generators
- One-Phase Power Generators
- Three-Phase Power Generators
- Geological Hammers
- Geologist's Compass and Suspension Mining Compass
- Munsell
Soil Color Chart
- Binocular stereomicroscope
- Polarisation Microscope
- Loupe
- etc.